Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Your enthusiasm about my return to this site was been so wonderful. Your comments, emails, and personal messages are putting a smile on my face. Thank you! I love hearing that you are enjoying and using the recipes.
I wanted to give you a heads up about some changes taking place. First, you may have noticed the blog header states, "Shih's Cooking" instead of "Mamahollioni's Kitchen". I am in the process of changing this blog's name and purchasing a new domain. You will be automatically directed to the new address so don't worry about finding me once the change officially occurs.
Second, I have been looking into the copyright laws. As you may know, I don't make my own recipes from scratch so I wanted to ensure I'm following appropriate protocol when using others' recipes. As it turns out, I am glad I spent some time researching because I have not been correctly posting recipes. According to the copyright law, a list of ingredients is not protected under the law, but the pictures as well as the instructions, explanations, and directions are. I have always used my own photographs, but in my ignorance I thought I had to write both the ingredient list and the recipe word for word.
Since I now know that it is a copyright violation to use directions as written, I am in the process of updating all the recipes I have previously posted. If you are reprinting or reusing a recipe and you feel like something is different, it very well might be. The words will be changed to make them my own, but the actual cooking steps will remain unchanged.
In addition I am finding that some things are just not up to snuff. I actually cringe looking back at some of my previous photos and accompanying opening words [I guess that could be a good thing, right? At least growth is apparent.] If you are searching for something specific and find that it is now gone, just email me. I will be able to promptly forward you the information you desire. The recipes will be omitted temporarily until the pictures are retaken, my love for commas has been corrected, and/or the grammatical errors are no longer present.
With that said, have a great day and happy cooking!
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